
Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Rumors are floating around the internet and blogs that China has referred through March 15, 2006. If this turns out to be true, the number of days referred will be 7. This sounds a little positive, but considering it has been about 6 weeks since they referred last, it isn't great. If they would send out a 7 day batch of referrals the end of this month too, that would be awesome.

Of course, the reason for the delay in referrals is the swine flu. It seemed the swine flu had slowed and was dying away. There has been a resurgence in the last week or so. A vice principal at a middle school in New York died last week and he didn't have any existing conditions (example: heart problems) that would escalate the illness. Stories like this has caused China to restrict people entering their country. CCAA has to abide by these restrictions. However, CCAA has delayed many referrals, travel appointments, and matching without giving any explanation. All we've heard here are rumors and speculations. Nothing official. Even our agencies aren't told anything.

Several months ago, we heard of a potential speed up in this process. All signs were positive. But, something always seems to happen to prevent a speed up. Earthquakes. Severe cold and snow. The Olympics. Swine Flu. Will we ever get through this process? And, if we do, how long will it take?

Again, with no answers, I am so glad Tide Guy and I did not announce this information when we decided to adopt from China. If we have all these questions, we would expect to be bombarded with the same questions from everyone who we told. That was a great decision we made!

On with the delay....

Tide Gal & Tide Guy

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