
Sunday, December 9, 2007

Just finding out?

When you find out about our blog and begin reading you may wonder why you just now found out we were adopting. You may find out a year or more from the time I am typing this. Maybe less. At this present time, we have yet to decide when we will tell everyone we are adopting.

In this current time, we have completed our paperwork and it has been in China for a month; however, the wait is very long. Possibly 2 years long or longer. We are aware of many people waiting who have been asked numerous times why the child isn’t home yet, how much longer, when are you leaving? The answer to all these questions and many more is, “We don’t know.” So, to avoid having to answer these questions and constantly reminding ourselves that we don’t know, we are waiting until the time is closer. Right now, the only people who know are immediate family members and people who helped complete our paperwork.

So, sit back and enjoy the ride with us. Your wait won’t be as long as ours has been!!

Tide Guy & Tide Gal

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

1 Month Down!

WOW, we are one month into our wait. That went by fast, but I'm sure the wait will be harder and seem longer as time goes by. Luckily we are at the beginning process of building a house so that should heavily occupy our time for more than a year.

We just got invited to a yahoo group with others who are LID the same as us. That should be fun.